One of the blogs I follow daily had a post up last week labeled,
"Simple Pleasures"...
I just loved the idea...
So, I thought I would list a few of my personal Simple Pleasures.
Simple Pleasures sometimes go un-noticed, yet they are so important.
Sometimes our Simple Pleasures are the most cherished parts of our lives.
Spending a weekend with my nieces & nephews!
Warm clothes out of the dryer!
A day to splatter paint on canvas!
A long hug from my husband unexpectedly!
Hearing Laney May bay in the mornings!
Coming home to a package at the door!
Great days & cherished memories with friends!
Sweet treats from Starbucks!
Laney waddling when greeting me @ the door!
Alone time with My Husband on the weekends!
Pictures of older family members!
Having a clean car!
A compliment from a friend!
Warm sunny days!
Five dollar burritos @ Moes!
A spic & span, organized house!
Creamy Caramel wall scents!
Buying a new pair of jeans!
Seeing my mom, dad, and sister!
I have so many more SIMPLE PLEASURES!....
These were just the first few that came to mind.
What are yours? Do tell?!

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