
Pralines... & Whitt


We wake up.... In Walterboro, 
Still to this day... not sure where that is?
We thank god for getting us through the Helluva night....

We pack our bags quickly... & get ready to head out the door.
@ this point we were 24 hours behind schedule 
& wanted to get to Jax. Beach! Quickly...

All parties... were pretty excited... I might add!

We opened the door to go load the car & what do we see?
Sunshine & NO snow.. well a tiny little bit.

Where in the world did it go?  
Were we imagining the night before?
No way.  

After making a pact that we were not delirious...
& really did encountered a terrible snow storm the night before...

(the one that knocked the fog lights off... 
& destroyed the front end of the bmw) 

We packed the car,
Took a few pictures,
& tried to get Laney May...
To relieve herself in the white stuff.
(She is NOT very fond of that!)
(& she is also NOT relieving herself in this picture.)
I would be *chawed* if I caught that on photo.

After about 20 min. of a crazyfreakoutrambunctiousDOGfit....
She was tired of playing in the cold, wet snow 
& ready to get on the road.

 The roads... Clear!
Sun was out & travel conditions...

We were on our way to...
Savannah, Ga!

For some Pralines & "Whitt" beer of course!
