On this weeks episode of the Bachelor... Boy was there drama, hilarious moments, priceless comments, and not to forget… a little too much leg!
I have been thinking about how I will structure a summary each week
I have been thinking about how I will structure a summary each week
to explain the previous nights episode….
I have come to the conclusion though that it will be too much to ask of me to give an unbiased summary... So I have decided to give you a glimpse of the comments from
I have come to the conclusion though that it will be too much to ask of me to give an unbiased summary... So I have decided to give you a glimpse of the comments from
the “Peanut Gallery” AKA our living room!
~ First off… “On The Wings of Love”… is way too cheesy of a song to play on every episode from here to the end! I love that Jake is a passionate pilot that truly loves flying, and that the producers are using his passion to make the show personal but really!
~ Michelle…. She is Crazy, Psychotic, Insane, and Unbelievable… I feel sorry for this girl. She has cried almost 80% of the time she has been on the show. Someone please tell him what a nut job she is!
~ Christina…. Her going away gifts for the girls really got me last week. I hope she had an extra left over for herself. Poor thing shouldn’t have gotten on national TV & shown her rotten behavior!
~ Ella… got to love that TENNESSEE TWANG! She seems to have a great heart. Thus far she appears to be very sincere & on the show to find love.
~ Vienna… The worst yet! Maybe even worse than Crazy Michelle…. My first memory of her was her comment “ I came on the show to find my dog a daddy”… and last night she topped it. As if being engaged at 17 wasn’t enough… She decided to get revenge on her ex. Engagee and eloped?
~ Elizabeth… Really a fan but boy is she a tease. Her kissing weirdness gets me. So be it if she doesn’t want a little smooching but “making out with her forehead all night” does not seem the least bit appealing.
~ Rozlyn…. Gone. Reports by Chris Harrison are that Big Boobs McGee is still seeing ex-staffer. Good Luck dear friend… If he is into the boob dance you will keep him forever.
~ Tenley… Super cute gal. We all really like her…. Just not totally sure about her betrayal feelings. I don’t think these girls understand that dumping their previous history all on one episode could be enough to make Jake have a nervous break down.
~ Alli… Hands down. My fave. I think I will be voting for her till the end unless something crazy comes about!
For those of you that watch the Bachelor… What were your thoughts on this week’s episode? Chime in and let us know what your thoughts are!
Stay tuned… next Tuesday for the updated rundown on trash TV!
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