

... Still stressing...

But after today,... Half as much!

I am so relieved to report....



Over the past few days..
even worse than my lousy computer dying on me...
I thought My husband was going to too.
I have considered how harsh this sounds...

I have kinda been a little basketcase'y

Well, since Sunday after we sat in the E.R. ALL day... 

We have been visiting a few specialist.
Today we learned that his heart in not a concern!

I am just LUCKY enough to...
Have a husband with a abnormally sweet heart...

I love him & am so thankful for this great news.

As for the computer. 
Well, it is still dead.
But.  I'll post when I can


Simply Me said...

new follower :)

aimee said...

thanks for stopping by my blog from kelly's link up! i'm so happy to hear that your husband is healthy. i can't imagine how you must have been feeling!

Unknown said...

So glad he is ok! I can't imagine how scary that all muct have been.

Amanda said...

I'm glad to hear he's alright! :) That is wonderful news!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's great news! I'm glad to hear he's ok!

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

Glad to hear he is alright. Sorry to hear about your computer!