Yesterday was a hard day.
My stomach was in knots, and I couldn't quite shake the "I'm about to bust in tears feeling". Thank goodness I had some girlfriends with me to dry my tears when they started to flow.
I struggled with several different emotions yesterday...
anger for the stupid sons of b*&c#@s that thought it would be cool to kill thousands, sadness for those that have lost, gratefulness for those that put their lives on the line. You name it.. the thought probably ran through my anxious mind.
However, throughout the day the one thing that was on my mind, & more persistent than any was sorrow for my sister in law Stacy and our nephew Richie. On September 29, 2008 they suffered a terrible loss...We all did! Our hero, Captain Richie Cliff was killed while deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
It was three years ago yesterday that Richie left for his 3rd and final deployment & not a day has gone by that I have not stopped to pray for those that have lost a spouse, father, mother, child, brother, etc. It is gut wrenching to think that everyday a widow is carrying on because of careless, heartless people, who are out to take down our country which is based upon freedom.
This is the last picture that we have of Richie, Stacy his wife (pregnant with their first child), and her two sisters at our wedding reception three years ago in August. I look at this picture often and wonder what life would be like with him around. Stacy has shown more courage and strength than anyone I know, and I am so proud of her for raising their little boy as a single parent. I am grateful that her husband sacrificed his life for me and my family; she is living proof that we still have amazing people on this earth that are willing to give their lives for others!
9.11. was a day that we as Americans will never forget, a day we lost so many, a day that our lives all changed... It is so important to remember as we go on with our everyday lives that we still have troops fighting unselfishly for our freedom and giving up their lives to make sure we live in a world of peace!
"Some Gave All"

1 Comment:
I had trouble understanding motives behind this act of destruction as well.... but I found that watching this video really put some things into perspective (in a very very good way). I would really recommend watching it if you have a spare 20min :)
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